So Farrah decided that she needed to get a better car so she put her add in on Craigs List and they found a buyer for her they sent her 3,000 dollars and said they would send the other 2,000 once they revived the car she cash's there three thousand dollar check and took the money to her bank .
Went to have the car all cleaned out and smelling good for the new buyer with her hairstylist friend. It was rainy weather and Farrah left the house with out the diaper bag. And with out baby Sofia's jacket since both were left behind they had to improvise on both. her friend lent her a jacket to throw on Sofia and they even had to do that with the diaper too.
Later after the old car she had by this point had all ready gotten rid of calls the bank and finds out how her account was looking and she found out that she is now 26,00 hundred dollars in the hole. And so basically she got scammed she really has no one to lean on or to help her really.
So this has totally broken a piece of my heart for her and really left me wondering what is going to happen with her. As far as her apartment and now getting a car since she just got rid of the old one. i know some how this teen mom will make it though though.
I really love the reality of this show it really shows what women and men alike have to go though to provide for there self's and there children life isn't what it used to be like in 1980 when i was born. I know there were times when i was little my mom has told me she had to work 3 jobs to keep her self and her family above water but things with the economy the way they are now days.
I will be waiting to find out what happens to are little Farrah and Sofia on AUGUST 31ST that is when the newest show will be airing about them they are doing a teen mom movie this Tuesday tune in for that i will doing my best to blog about that what did you guys think about what i blogged for Farrah and her old beau who died DERRICK..... How tragic for that to have happened to her also looking forward to hearing from all of you
In 16 and Pregnant, they were moms-to-be. Now, follow Farrah, Maci, Amber, and Catelynn as they face the challenges of motherhood. Each episode interweaves these stories revealing the wide variety of challenges young mothers can face: marriage, relationships, family support, adoption, finances, graduating high school, starting college, getting a job, and the daunting and exciting step of moving out to create their own families.