The original focus of "Teen Mom" was to highlight the ups and downs young women face when raising a child born from an unexpected pregnancy, but since the series first aired, we've also gotten a unique opportunity to see the babies' dads struggle to find their own place in this brave, new world. One such dad is Tyler, who together with his girlfriend Catelynn made the heartbreaking decision of planning an open adoption for their daughter Carly.
Since Season 1, we've caught many glimpses of Tyler's sadness and confusion, but it's his supportiveness of Catelynn that's attracted the most attention on "Teen Mom" -- that is, until lately. As Season 2 moves forward, fans of the show are witnessing Ty's delayed acceptance and unresolved resentment as he finally begins to explore his own raw emotions, which is why we thought it was time to sit down with him for a personal interview.
Below, watch two clips from SuChin Pak's one-on-one with the sweet, caring father/fiance we've all grown to love. In the first video, Tyler explains that he's come to terms with his own father's weaknesses and limitations, which has put his mind at peace. In the second, he describes his selfless dream for Carly.
In 16 and Pregnant, they were moms-to-be. Now, follow Farrah, Maci, Amber, and Catelynn as they face the challenges of motherhood. Each episode interweaves these stories revealing the wide variety of challenges young mothers can face: marriage, relationships, family support, adoption, finances, graduating high school, starting college, getting a job, and the daunting and exciting step of moving out to create their own families.